Web Hosting Glossary,Terms Letter: H

Terms Letter: H

HEX – Hexadecimal color system
The most commonly used way to define colors in the Web. It is a system that defines colors based on their RGB values and associates a two digit hexadecimal number with each base color (red, green and blue). For example #FFFFFF is representation of white in HEX

In the context of a web site a «hit» is used to describe a single request made by a web browser. It can be a request either for an image or HTML document or any other document residing on the web site. So a visit to a single web page can result to several hits, depending how many external elements are loaded by the page.

Home Page
In context of web hosting it is the main, start page of your site. That is the page that should be loading first when a user visits some site.

The most famous part of Horde is the Horde Webmail program. A decent web based email client with a lot of features and options.

Any computer on a network that provides some kind of services – web, mail, FTP, etc. All servers that a web hosting company is running can be called hosts as they have web, mail, ftp server running there.

Hypertext Markup Language. It is the language used to create web pages. The markup tells the Web browser how to display a Web page’s text and images for the user. HTML code is stored in a normal text file. The most important feature of HTML are the hyperlinks as they allow pages to be linked one to another. There is no need to know HTML to create a webpage these days. There are many software products that provide you with WYSIWYG interface for creating your site just with drag-n-drop while the program itself takes care to generate the proper HTML code needed for the page.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is set of rules used between a web browser and a web hosting server to request a web site and transfer its contents. The rules are maintained and defined by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). The latest version of HTTP is 1.1.

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer, or HTTP over SSL) is a Web protocol developed by Netscape. A version of HTTP protocol that uses encryption to ensure the security between your browser and the server when exchanging secure information. It is mandatory for eCommerce sites that accept online payments.

A network device that connects several computers on a Local Network. Smart hubs or switching hubs are often used to improve performance by managing traffic.

A text, image or some other media that is linked to another web page. When a user clicks on a hyperlink its browser gets transfered to the linked document. The word hyperlink is sometimes referred to as «link»

Any text on a web page that contains links to other web pages. Browsers usually display hypertext as underlined and in blue color.