Web Hosting Glossary,Terms Letter: N

Terms Letter: N

Nameserver and DNS(Domain name server)
It is a server on the Internet that is responsible to tell your browser the IP address of your domain name. In other words the Nameserver tells a computer where to look for a given site. For example when you change hosting servers you need to change your Nameservers so your domain name can start pointing to your new web hosting company. The Nameservers translate domain names to network addresses (IP addresses) which computer understand. Nameservers are one of the most important parts of the internet.

Informal set of rules that should be followed when using internet services like email, message boards and newsgroups. Describes what it means to be «well behaved» while interacting with other people online.

Netscape Communications
A company that has developed one of the most popular web browsers: Netscape Navigator.

A collection of devices such as computers and printers that are connected together. A network is a tool for communication that allows users to store and retrieve information, share printers, and exchange information

Network Management
Generic term used to describe systems or actions that help maintain, characterize, or troubleshoot a network

A Newsgroup is a way of sharing news and information across the network that predates the World Wide Web. They are made up of bulletin boards where individuals make postings to share with the community. More efficient than mass emailing, a message on a newsgroup stays on the news server for all to see without clogging any one’s mailbox. Newsgroups are frequently used to post important information.

Program used to read and post to any Usenet newsgroups

An acronym for network interface card. Network interface cards provide a dedicated, full-time connection to a network, usually LAN

Abbreviation for Network News Transfer Protocol, a system for reading and writing Usenet News articles across a network, this service is defined by RFC number 977.