And Now, Autocms is responsive!!
AutoCMS is perfect to write sales brochures or newsletters. It is customizable, allows the use of HTML, images, links, youtube videos, and more..
AutoCMS 2 is fast and clean: AutoCMS scores 100/100 in PageSpeed and Yslow Grade A-100%(without JS as Histats counters or Google analytics).
AutoCMS 2 is now available with many improvements including Template switching, separate public and private class-functions, visual text editor, and more..
About AutoCMS,The Smallest CMS
The smallest CMS, with all the necessary options in a small footprint, providing all you need to have a presence on Internet. Below are the features of this CMS:
- You can select the theme in control panel
- Less than 10kb in the main and fucntional file
- No database required
- Only one user (without nickname, only password protected)
- Password is protected with SHA1
- Css styles easy to build and to change
- Very very fast
- XHTML and CSS Valid by W3C!
- Store Data in flat file
- Back up your data and download the backup file using FTP
- The generated contents are user friendly for search engines.
- The result is displayed correctly in all browsers.
- Control panel in Spanish and English Language.
- Theme Switcher plugin included
Lastly, but very important, you update all the content without having programming knowledges.
1.- Unzip the package
2.- Edit this line:
on vars.php file, and put your domain name at :
3.- Upload the files to you webhost
4.- Click on * simbol in the footer, and default password is 123
5.- Customize your links, contents and basic data, remember to change the default password.
Note: in localhost do not use .htaccess

AutoCMS have been published in :


Change log:
v2.0 Auto CMS, May 2011 : Change Template model, separate public and private class-functions, visual text editor
v1.8 Auto CMS, October 2010 : Get de MVC model completed. The model, driver and presentation are separate, use Templates for presentation, defined by constants.
v1.6 ,July 2010 : Auto CMS a stable cms, with 1 year old, Auto CMS fixed many bugs, and improved code definitions, begun using the MVC model. New options in this version: additional options in control panel, front end messages, fixed many bugs.
v1.3, March 2010:Auto CMS has improved. Added many validations, more options, css styles can be selected in the Control Panel (autodetected) and much more. New options in this version: Can select the theme in control panel
v1.0, July 2009: Auto CMS is published in phpclasses.org. It is a CMS that uses only 1 file. No database required, 1 css style, many bugs have been fixed which and improve the CMS. I have listened to the AutoCMS community so as to improve it in upcoming versions.